Welcome to our world!

Our life might not be perfect but we are perfectly a family.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Where oh where do we belong?

So we are tried and true Catholics. We had a full mass at our wedding, we baptized our 1st daughter, we've attended church everywhere we've lived.

Now that we have children the flaws of the church are becoming glaringly apparent. We love attending mass and genuinely want to devote that time to God however with toddlers more of your attention is spent chasing them in the vestibule, picking up Cheerios, and shushing them during the homily.

One integral and appealing aspect of the Protestant churches is that they have nurseries and children's church. I totally get that our ministers and priests want us to expose our children to mass but I have to ask, if I'm not listening to what they are saying am I really getting anything out of mass?

Also most Protestant churches have activities for young families, this is an area in which the church is lacking, at least where we live.

We are sort of drifting, do we continue with the faith we were raised with, chose for ourselves as adults, married in and one in which we feel at home or do we be adventurous and try something new????

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello Elliot!

Our sweet girl came into this world 1 day after one due date and 2 days before another. The labor before her birth was intense but manageable. She is perfect in every way.

She looks like her sister but has her very own unique flair! She's got dark wavy hair, dark almost green eyes and a sweet face. She is very calm but will "get her Irish up" if you do something she doesn't particularly like.

As I wrote in my post a few weeks ago I am anxious to see who she will become. I did not know that I could love another child this much but as everyone told me, the love just expands.

Sweet Elliot I will give you all I can to make your life all you hope it can be, may your dreams stay big, your worries stay small, may you never need to carry more than you can hold. Always remember that if the good Lord brings you to it, he will see you through it.

I love you more than all the leaves on all of the trees. Welcome sweet girl.