Welcome to our world!

Our life might not be perfect but we are perfectly a family.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Wow....it's been awhile.....

So Brynn is now almost 7 months old! She is sitting up on her own, crawling, babbling, she actually said Dada a couple of times and is pulling herself up to stand. Basically she is getting big and getting into everything. Each day we wait to see what new trick she'll master.

Bryan finished his student teaching in December and has since become a stay at home Daddy while he finishes up his Master's degree. He will begin the job hunting in the Spring for next school year, keep your fingers crossed!

I have begun covering my friend's maternity leave for the school district in Fallon, Nevada. 2 days a week I drive approximately 1 hour outside of Reno and complete evaluations, observations, and supervision of the COTAs that are currently working out there. I miss Brynn but it's good to be back in the swing of things :) And since it's a special assignment the $$$ isn't bad either.

In the last few months we have steadily been finding our way as a family of 3. We've grown and are doing well. This weekend we have a lot of family and friends in town for Brynn's baptism. We are excited to welcome her into the family of God and look forward to sharing this time with our family and friends.

Until we meet again....happy trials.