Welcome to our world!

Our life might not be perfect but we are perfectly a family.

Friday, November 16, 2012

So many firsts...

So this was a week of many firsts. It was my first week back to work. My first week as a director of rehab, Bryan's first week with both girls alone, and my first week as a working mom of 2 under 2.

Elliot is such a different child than Brynn. She sleeps, she is much more calm, she just sorta hangs out. Physically she is bigger, she is already into 3 month clothes. She eats more than Brynn ever did.

We are in a process of redefining our roles, yet again. As a family of 4 we are muddling our way through this new chapter. We are excited to bring on the holiday season and celebrate how great 2013 will be!!!