Welcome to our world!

Our life might not be perfect but we are perfectly a family.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oooppsss skipped a couple of weeks!

So....tomorrow Brynn will be three months old! I cannot believe the time has gone by so quickly. We have had our little one for a quarter of a year. Yes the sleepless nights do get to you, you sometimes wonder how it would feel to go somewhere without counting diapers, asking if I have extra outfits "just in case" and how good it feels to get a nap in the afternoon yet we cannot imagine our life without our little peach.

Bryan is about two weeks away from fully taking over all the classes in his student teaching. He is doing such a great job and although he has a lot of work he helps out so much with Brynn so I can retain some of my sanity.

We are currently staying at the Peppermill in Reno, we had two unused free nights so while the weather is nice we decided to make use of the pool on a little staycation!

Thanks so everyone for your support these last 3 months. Your words of encouragement, meals, voices of reason, all are appreciated! Here is to many many more months of fun!

Until we meet again.....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hello Fall...where have you been????

Finally Fall has fallen! So far it's felt far more like the summer that will never end but today, it became Fall. It was a nice cool day with windy, what you might call blustery. We went to church as usual and spent the rest of our day at home. PERFECT!

Bryan is slowly but surely taking over all of his classes. He is diligently working each and every night, it's an adjustment but it's great none the less. We are so proud of all he has accomplished and can't wait for his student teaching to be completed!

Brynn continues to grow each day. She is really beginning to get her personality, she's definitely sassy and when she's ready to eat, you had better get movin! She is laughing and discovering all this world has to offer, you can really tell that she is "seeing" things for the first time and it's wonderous to be able to watch that!

We just keep trucking along. Hope everyone who reads this is well and until we meet again, Happy Trails.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

One Full Month!

Well as our first month of blogging comes to a close it's nice to know that people are reading this and that it's serving it's purpose. As I type we are at Mike and Kathy's house for dinner. Although we miss our mountain home living "in town" has it's perks, one of the most important is living near family who can visit with Brynn regularly.

Bryan is slowly taking over all of his class periods now. It's a lot of work but he is enjoying it. We've begun thinking about what will come next when he is done. Sadly the job outlook in the Washoe County School District is well, grim, at best. I guess it's not great anywhere else but especially here. As such we are opening ourselves up for yet another move. We will happily go wherever he can find a teaching job. For now though we get through each week!

I am in my final two weeks of maternity leave. I am trying to relish every moment knowing that once I go back to work our little family dynamic will change. I know that my first days back will be difficult but I am looking forward to seeing my kids and teachers!

Brynn went to the doctor on Friday for her 2 month check up and first round of shots! She got three injections and one oral suspension. She cried but within a few minutes drifted off to sleep. She is now 9lbs, 11oz, 22 and 1/2 inches long and has a head circumfrence of 15 inches. She is getting stronger everyday and has finally found her voice!!!

We hope that everyone is enjoying the coming fall! We are certainly lookign forward to it and hope to have some visitors soon! Love to everyone...until we meet again!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

3 weeks and counting

What a good weekend, busy but good! My good friend Jamie was married at beautiful South Lake Tahoe, it rained but the bride was beautiful, the ceremony inspring, the reception a blast. Congrats to the happy couple.

Bryan is trucking along and into his third week of student teaching. He has officially taken over one of 6 periods. He is busy preparing lessons and we are so proud of him! He will soon be preparing for his last exam, wish him luck!

Brynn is growing bigger by the day! She goes for her 2 month appointment and shots on friday, we are anxious to see what she weighs and how much she has grown. She is officially holding up her head, smiles constantly, is beginning to coo, and tracking with her eyes. She is so attentive, we love her so much.

Big news for me, Im reducing my schedule in order to spend more time with Brynn. It was a hard decision but in the end we decided that we can always make more money but Brynny will only be little once.

We are enjoying our new home, new life changes and we cant wait to see what happens next!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

2nd week, 2nd post!

Bryan completed his first real week of student teaching, as expected he did great! His lead teacher was gone on friday so he planned a lesson, lectured and gave the quiz that was scheduled for that day! Needless to say he was tired but enjoyed the day.

Brynn has found her toes! She is very interested in their movement and has even reached down to grab them occassionally. Each day it seems like she is growing a bit larger. She is sleeping well and loves to spend time with her Daddy when he gets home from work! On wednesday she will be 8 weeks old, my how the time flies! We can't believe how much she has changed and how much time has passed but we look forward to each day we have with her.

This weekend we took a little trip out to Fernley to visit Bryan's parents and to go to the Cantalope Festival in Fallon. It was great to see Bryan's parents and they loved spending time with Brynn. The festival....it was interesting.

Overall a great week and our first Labor Day weekend as a family has been great. We are looking forward to the weeks ahead. Happy trails until we meet again!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Our first post!

Well here we go! It was my bright idea to try and keep all of our friends and family near and far up to date on our lives and goings on here in Reno.

For those who've not heard we have recently moved from our beloved Johnsville to Reno in order to provide Brynn and ourselves with the convienence of living "in town." It was a hard decision but with prayer and a lot of tears we decided and within a week we were moved. It has been nice to have grocery stores, food shops, etc nearby and open past 7pm! Although it's been a hard transition we feel that we made the right decision.

Bryan began his fall semester preparing for his student teaching last week. The week was full of meetings, lesson prep and photocopying (at least that's what I heard about!). This week the kids return to school, he is nervous but I am sure he will excel as he always does! Brynn and I couldn't be prouder and we wish him the best of luck!

I am starting my last month of maternity leave and trying to savor each and every moment.

Well I think that about sums it up and dinner is ready....until we meet again....happy trails!